Have you ever had a customer…
Dispute the balance they owe?
Dispute the quantity or material shipped?
Dispute or make a complaint about the quality of one or more of your products?
Argue over service charges, finance charges, or price?
Although there are times when a genuine dispute exists, more often than not, a dispute is created by a customer to delay their payment, obtain an unwarranted credit, or worse yet getting you to agree to forgive the balance entirely. Your effectiveness to resolve issues such as these gets compromised the longer you have known the customer and the more familiar you are with them. Some will use this familiarity to their distinct advantage. Because of this unfair advantage, you are already in a position to give more than is necessary. Instead of just “giving away the store” CreditPro Financial Services, LLC will act as your effective intermediary to professionally resolve these disputes and once again give you the upper hand. We will again perform these negotiations professionally with the ultimate goal of maintaining customer good will.