Giving Credit is very similar to a Staff of Music


G oals for a business to be successful are to have a

B alance Sheet with minimal  

D elinquent Accounts in order

F or Profitability to increase and for

A ssets to be protected


A lmost all

C ommercial Credit

E xists to attain profitability and maintain business

G oals

As credit professionals we can use the “Base” Clef Notes (we know it’s actually spelled Bass in music!) above to define our responsibilities to the businesses and as a base for the businesses we work for and support. If we do this, a number of things should occur:

  1.  Sales should increase or be maintained.
  2.  Profits should increase or be maintained.
  3.  Credit and Sales departments should coexist in “harmony”.
  4.  The business will be tops on the charts and reach platinum status!

Call CreditPro Financial Services, LLC if you need assistance with any of your credit and collections needs.  We are definitely here to help! 
